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Administrative and municipal law

Dobrobaba M.B. Service delictness: A concept and a meaning for disciplinary policy formation within the system of public service of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The research object is the institution of disciplinary liability of public officers of the Russian Federation and the related category “service delictness”, which, in spite of its theoretical and practical importance for the public service system improvement, hasn’t been sufficiently justified and studied within the framework of the legal science. The research subject is legal regulation of the system of public administration and public service in the Russian Federation, and the statistical data serving as a basis for the conclusion about the growth of service delictness within the system of public service, thus conditioning the need for the use of a system and a balanced approach when developing and implementing the concept of disciplinary policy in public administration, which is the direction of public service development. The research methodology is based on the dialectical principles of the system approach to the analysis of processes and phenomena and the universal linkage and development. On the base of the study the author substantiates the necessity to form the concept of a common disciplinary policy within the public service system of the Russian Federation, defines the system approaches to its implementation, reveals the essence of the scientific category “service delictness”, establishes the link between service delictness and disciplinary policy within the public service system of the Russian Federation. 


public administration, public service, disciplinary liability, legal policy, disciplinary policy, administrative delictness, service delictness, service and disciplinary delicts, disciplinary sanction, service legal relations

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