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Administrative and municipal law

Safonenkov P.N. Administrative coercion, applied by customs authorities, as a scientific problem

Abstract: The research subject is the institution of administrative coercion, applied by customs authorities, its peculiarities, and topical theoretical and legal problems in this sphere. The author analyzes the scientific literature, devoted to the problem of administrative coercion, describes various opinions of the scholars about the essence of administrative coercion, the problem aspects of the work of customs authorities organization. These problems are caused, in the author’s opinion, by the variety of disputable and unresolved theoretical provisions of administrative coercion. The research methodology is based on the analysis of scientific literature and legal provisions. The author applies theoretical, general philosophical and traditional legal methods. The author analyzes the circumstances allowing concluding about the absence of a single scientists’ opinion about the key problems of the theory of administrative coercion. It is possible to consider administrative coercion, applied by customs authorities, as a topical scientific problem. Its solution is particularly important for the theory and the practice of the legal science. 


problem, factors, content, characteristics, customs, administrative coercion, method, powers, peculiarities, measures

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