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Culture and Art
Zakharov Yu.K. (2016). Musical-Theoretical Analysis: Axiological Aspect. Culture and Art, 2, 244–252.
Zakharov Yu.K. Musical-Theoretical Analysis: Axiological AspectAbstract: The author of the article discusses the purpose and means of musical-theoretical analysis and the possibility to reveal the beauty or the aesthetic value of a music piece. The first part of the article provides a brief insight into ancient philosophy to identify the differences between science and art, their purpose and methods. In Aristotelian philosophy science and art are the steps towards the truth. According to Plato, human can become the creator himself and imitate 'the eternal ideas realized in creation' by creating images of things. In the second part of the article, being based on Yu. Kholopov’s concept of musical analysis and interpretation of artistic value given by T. Cherednichenko, the author argues that the purpose of the analysis is to reveal laws of musical matter structuring, to build a model of the music work and to make a hypothesis about the initial ideas embodied by the composer. According to the author, analysis can not show the beauty of a music piece, and its value can only be partly justified. However, analysis can give the access to the perception of Eidos impressed in musical work through enabling a better understanding of the music piece's structure. The value of analysis also depends on a researcher's ability to select an adequte method and strategy of analysis. Keywords: science and art, art history, analysis, model, axiology, eidos and logos, Plato, Aristotle, Aleksey Losev
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