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Philology: scientific researches
Sobolev V.E. (2016). Multidimensional Writing Systems. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 91–100.
Sobolev V.E. Multidimensional Writing SystemsAbstract: The subject of the present research is the writing systems which hypothetically speaking can be used in multidimensional spaces described in non-Euclidean geometries, in particular, geometries with more than three dimensions of space. The author of the present research article analyzes the concept of the multidimensional alphabet and multidimensional systems of information encoding. The importance of this topic is proved by the fact that there is a number of physical theories about the Universe being part of the multidimensional space where other civilizations with essentially different communication systems including writing may exist. In his research Sobolev analyzes the main peculiarities of human writing systems from the point of view of their geometrical and physical representation. He also conducts a comparative analysis of human writing systems and multidimensional writing. At the end of his research the author concludes that being reduced to 2D information encoding, human writing systems can be very difficult or even confusing for civilizations unfamiliar with the non-Euclidean geometry. Keywords: information encoding, unary alphabet, writing systems, multidimensional writing, multidimensional alphabet, multidimensional letters, alien writing systems, Arecibo message, color alphabet, cryptanalysis
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