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Philology: scientific researches

Avtonomova N.S. Traveling through the Space Between Philology and Philosophy

Abstract: The present article is devoted to the historical and contemporary aspects of the interaction between the two bases of European and Russian culture, philosophy and philology, word and concept. Noteworthy that the author analyzes her own experience as a philologist, philosopher and interpreter and draws parallels between her own intellectual 'journeys' into philology and philosophy and researches of the philosophers whose works she translated into Russian and thus introduced into the Russian culture. The research is focused on such issues as understanding, interpretation, translation and untranslatability. These are important issues both for philology and philosophy at the 'linguistic turn'. The author proves the status of philology as the sphere of research that preserves its integrity despite appearance of new special disciplines that deal with the text analysis as well as a classical university discipline that provides broad-based knowledge about cultures unlike modern narrow and pragmatically oriented teaching of languages. In her research the author has used methods of historical philosophical and historical cultural analysis as well as intellectual biography. All these methods are focused on analyzing the epistemological aspect. The results of the research include expansion of philosophy's framework of categories and concepts as a result of a new concept of translation that involves not only linguistic and cultural, but also philosophical aspects. The author outlines some new prospects for the relationship between philosophy and philology in contemporary culture as a result of a wider interpration of cognitive and communication practices including interpretation of translation as knowledge and interpretation of knowledge as 'translation', i.e. the transfer of meaning.


philosophy, philology, understanding, translation, interpretation, deconstruction, phenomenology, epistemology

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