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Philology: scientific researches

Ioakimidi G.A. Show Business Discourse as a Specific Sphere of the English-Language Discursive Space

Abstract: The subject of the research is the analysis of the main features of show business discourse as a specific sphere of the English-language discursive space. The object of the research is the discursive elements of contemporary English used in the sphere of show business. The author examines this sphere as having a special type of discourse with particular characteristics. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the definition of 'discourse' and its characteristics, i.e. systemically important features, in the sphere of show business. Show business discourse is viewed both as a cognitive communication process that directly relates to the creation of numerous verbal pieces in the sphere of show business and a certain combination of texts, both oral and written, created as a result of the aforesaid process and devoted to the events ongoing in the sphere of show business combined with intra-linguistic and extra-linguistic factors. Within the framework of the present research, the author has applied the integrated research method that combined discursive and contextual analysis methods as well as the method of continuous sampling of discursive elements. The author concludes that it is appropriate to talk about show business discourse as a specific sphere of the English-language discursive space. The discourse of this kind has all th systemically important elements, in particular, it implies participants, goals, strategies and communication techniques, chronotope, communication topics, basic values, kinds and genres of discourse, precedent texts, discursive formulas and finally functions to be fulfilled as part of the discursive process.


chronotope, discourse, discourse analysis, institutional discourse, show, celebrity, communication, discursive space, audience, show business

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