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International relations
Kolomatskaya D.A. (2016). Ways of development of far-left parties in the EU member-states. International relations, 1, 43–49.
Kolomatskaya D.A. Ways of development of far-left parties in the EU member-statesAbstract: The paper is devoted to the contemporary far-left parties in the EU member-states and their comparison. The research object is far-left parties in the European countries. The research subject is the ways of their transformation since the late 1980s till the present. The paper is aimed at studying the modern condition of far-left parties in the countries of the European Union and their prospects. The author defines a far-left party, describes the factors which influenced the way of its development and promoted the electoral success of the European far-left parties. The research methodology is based on the comparative method; the author also applies the analysis of the scientific literature in this sphere, party documents and election results. In the last 25 years European far-left parties have experienced the period of crisis and transformation. By the present moment they’ve managed to adapt to the new conditions and to fine their niche within the European party systems. Several types of far-left parties have formed. They still need to analyze the new social phenomena and processes and to develop the modern programme which would reflect the ideas about radical but realizable transformations to form the society which would be an alternative to the existing one. Keywords: far-left parties, European Union, communist parties, radical left, left socialist parties, left, political parties, ecosocialist parties, post-communist parties, far-left paties
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