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Financial Law and Management

Khalilova F.K. The Concept of Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations: Analysis of Scientific Concepts of Russian and Foreign Authors

Abstract: The effectiveness of legal regulation of intergovernmental fiscal relations, reducing the number of conflicts in law enforcement and contradictions in the interpretation of fiscal legislation is largely predetermined by correct and adequate legal confirmation of the intergovernmental fiscal relations essence. The subject of the article is a synthesis of theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of legal regulation of intergovernmental fiscal relations. The article explores the transformation stages of legislative consolidation of the intergovernmental fiscal relations in the Budget Code of Russian Federation, presenting remarks on the current legal interpretations of the concept of the intergovernmental fiscal relations. The author investigates the position of Russian and foreign scientists on the understanding of the concept of the intergovernmental fiscal relations, drawing attention to the correlation with the concepts of fiscal decentralization and fiscal federalism. Methodological basis of research is modern methods of scientific cognition, in particular, the dialectical method, system analysis, normative-logical, comparative law, forecasting, etc. Using a combination of these methods allowed to deepen the knowledge about the research subject, based on analysis, give the author’s definition of “intergovernmental fiscal relations” and to draw a conclusion about the necessity of serious reconsideration by the legislator of existing norms of Budget code of Russian Federation, which set forth the conceptual apparatus of the research problem, modify and make the appropriate changes in the fiscal legislation.


inter-budgetary, relations, concept, Intergovernmental, relationships, budgetary, effectiveness, federalism, fiscal, legislation

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