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Financial Law and Management

Suslyakova O.N. The History of Development of Insurance in Russia's Poster

Abstract: The author of the article considers the essence and causes of the posters, and the main historical stages of development of the insurance poster insurance as an element of advertising used by insurance companies for selling their services. The author summarizes the practice of pre-revolutionary and Soviet art of advertising and revealed the features of advertising posters  of Gosstrakh which is characteristic for various periods of functioning of the insurance company in the domestic insurance market. The author also describes the relationship between the insurance displayed on the posters of information with political changes in our country. In the course of this research the author has used the historical method and methods of theoretical analysis based on the study of general and special researches on the subject, historical documents to analyze the historical aspect of the development of the insurance poster in our country. The main conclusions of the research is the discovery of a widespread use of the insurance poster in the promotional activities of insurance companies and identifying the direct relationship of form and content of posters from the historical period of development of our state. Although at present, insurance companies pay little attention to this method of conveying information, the history of the development of the insurance poster testifies its high efficiency.


marketing activities, split screen, insurance, advertising, insurance poster, Gosstrakh, poster art, modern, constructivism, insurance companies

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