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National Security

Beshukova Z.M. Legal means in counteracting extremism in the period of uncodified criminal legislation of the Soviet power

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the analysis of legal means in counteracting extremism (extremist activity) in the period of uncodified criminal legislation of the Soviet power. The subject of the research is the positions of legislative acts of the Soviet power that regulate to one or another extent the responsibility for actions, which in accordance with the current legislation, fall under the notion of extremist (extremist activity). The author claims that the rejection of the achievements of the former legislation is practically equal to the rejection of apprehension of the positive experience that existed in the pre-revolutionary legislation. A complex analysis of the positions of the 1917 Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia, Constitution of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialistic Republic, as well as a number of the Soviet Decrees that regulate relations in the area of functioning of the various religious confessions, is being conducted. The conclusion is made that the first legislative acts of the Soviet Power that determine the character of the state-church relations, corresponded with the international legal norms and established the conditions for the equal functioning of the various religious confessions. In addition to that, the author examined a number of the normative legal acts that codify the responsibility for the counterrevolutionary crimes. This work allows making a conclusion that under the counterrevolutionary activity we should understand any threat to the Soviet power; this notion was defined in the legislation similarly to the currently existing notion of extremism. During the first years of the Soviet government, the legislation in the area of counteracting extremism, gained a principally new form; this is explained by the change in the socio-political structure of the country, and the beginning of the process of establishing the new socialistic law and the normative legal base of the state.


extremism, freedom of conscience, religion, Soviet authority, a counter-revolutionary act, Revolutionary Tribunal, objective imputation, criminal law, a crime, punishment

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