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National Security

Koptseva N.P., Kolesnik M.A. Creating a positive cultural identity as a factor of national security of Modern Russia. The results of the association experiment with associates

Abstract: Subject of research - the cultural and psychological factors of the national security of modern Russia. Creating a positive cultural identity, national and civic identity in the Russian state will demand special practices of political management. The authors suggest that effective management practices that contribute to the design of the all-Russian national identity in a positive aspect, should be based on scientific studies, expert-analytical monitoring of the processes taking place in the collective consciousness and the collective unconscious of important social groups. In this paper, as a representative of a social group serves students. The main method of research is associative experiment by the method of A. Nazarov and R. Sokolov "Series of thematic associations." The study used a critical analysis of the existing scientific literature, as well as interpretation of the association experiment. The results of the association experiment show that the idea of ​​ "the Russian" the current youth of Siberian Federal University, is ambiguous, fractional, lacks integrity. This is evidenced by a wide variety of associations and received a small number of words that were mentioned in the questionnaire several times. It should be noted that th "The Russian" is perceived by respondents are mainly in a positive way.


security, cultural identity, association experiment, associates, "Russian", positive identity, the youth, students, political management, monitoring, security, cultural identity, associative experiment, associates, positive identity, the youth, students, political management, monitoring

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