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National Security
Kalyuzhnaya M.A., Pozhidaev D.P. (2016). Detection at the checkpoints of potential violators of the rules for crossing state borders by individuals linked to terrorist activity through the use of the methods of rapid identification . National Security, 1, 30–38.
Kalyuzhnaya M.A., Pozhidaev D.P. Detection at the checkpoints of potential violators of the rules for crossing state borders by individuals linked to terrorist activity through the use of the methods of rapid identificationAbstract: The subject of this research is the certain behavior traits of a person (biometric features) applied in case of identification of a person at the checkpoint, which allows detecting individuals participating in terrorist activities [1]. The object is public relations emerging in the area of realization of the border control and provision of the territorial integrity of the state. The relevance of this topic is substantiated by escalation of the economic and geopolitical crisis in the world and armed conflicts in the Near East (by the borders of the Russian Federation). The authors give a general characteristic to the state border violators who have rusophobian views and participate in terrorist activities. Special attention is given to the visual psychodiagnostics of an individual crossing a state border, which encourage the increase in the efficiency of the state border control. The authors examine such aspects as discernment of the fake information in detection of persons participating in terrorist or extremist activities, as well as factors affecting the identification of the individual. The main threat to the Russian Federation – the work of the organized rusophobian associations of Ukraine – is being determined. The authors’ contribution consists in the justification that the threat to the country’s territorial integrity in the current circumstances is changing under the influence of the global political situation. Keywords: border control, identification, offenders, identification of persons, lie detection, portrait extremist, violator, terrorist activity, state boundary, national security, pogranicnii kontrol, identifikaciya, narywiteli, viyavlenie lic, raspoznavanie lzi, portret ekstremista, naruwitel, terroristiceskaya deyatelnost, gosydarstvennaya granica, nacionalnaya bezopasnost
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