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Administrative and municipal law

Akopdzhanova M.O. Legal protection of road traffic safety

Abstract: The research subject is the study of the peculiarities of application of the current Russian legislation, which ensures legal protection of road traffic safety by means of legal consolidation of rights and responsibilities of road users, and the responsibilities for their violation. The author pays attention to the peculiarities of regulation of this system of social relations by subordinate regulatory acts; to the judicial practice of application of the current Russian legislation about road traffic safety ensuring, judicial interpretation, explanations of the highest judicial bodies, allowing unifying the practice of solution of cases, providing the most effective protection of rights and freedoms of citizens and legal interests of the society and the state. The research methodology comprises the set of general scientific and specific methods, including the methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization and generalization, and the formal logical method. The author defines the peculiarities of application of the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation, containing legal provisions about ensuring the observance of rules of road traffic safety, imposition of liability for their violation. The results of the research can be used by law enforcement authorities, students, postgraduates, and all interested in the problems of jurisprudence. 


law, judicial practice, rules of the road, law enforcement activity, human rights, state, society, legal interests, protection of rights, crime prevention, law, court practice, the rules of the road, enforcement, human rights, state, society, legitimate interests, rights protection, fighting crime

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