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Police activity

Koridze M. Public prosecutor’s supervision over observation of laws in advertising activities

Abstract: The article considers the issues of public prosecutor’s supervision over observation of laws in advertising activities. The author considers the issues of observation of advertising legislation, of public prosecutor’s participation in observation of laws in the sphere of outdoor advertising and road safety. The research subject is public prosecutor’s supervision over observation of laws in advertising activities. The research object includes social relations in the sphere of public prosecutor’s supervision over observation of laws in advertising activities. The central research method is the analysis of statutory instruments. The author applies the method of systematization of legal regulation of public prosecutor’s supervision over observation of laws in advertising activities. The author comes to the conclusion about the necessity to extend the authorities of the public prosecutor’s office and to legislate them in the law “On Public Prosecutor’s Office”, in order to ensure the rule of law, to promote the legality and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, the interests of the society and the state, in the cases of prosecutor’s investigation regardless of a request, complaint, or other reports about the violation of human and civil rights and freedoms. 


organ mestnogo samoupravleniya, Reklama, prokuror, Organ prokuratura, munitsipalitet, naruzhnaya reklama, sud

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