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Police activity

Iskhakov E.R. Legal regulation of police officers’ actions in the cases of immediate treatment and medical assistance to the citizens

Abstract: The topicality of the issue is determined by the necessity to improve the efficiency of professional training of the potential and the current police officers, immediate treatment of citizens, and the increase of the police officers competence in immediate treatment. The author analyzes the current statutory instruments regulating police officers’ actions in the cases of immediate treatment. The results of the research should be used for reading the discipline “First Aid” to the students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the current police officers. The author applies bibliographical and analytical methods. With the help of the computer programme “Consultant Plus”, using the keywords “police”, “first aid”, “medical assistance”, the author analyzes statutory documents reflecting the regulation of cooperation of police officers and persons requiring immediate treatment and persons with diseases. These documents include federal laws, regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The author outlines the problems, arising during the actions of the police officers, which are not sufficiently regulated: the absence of the departmental legal document regulating immediate treatment; the unconformity of the requirement to resuscitation procedure implementing by the police officer to his professional competence and medical knowledge; the lack of regulation of the personal protection from bacterial and virus contamination of the police officer in the process of immediate treatment; the lack of legal regulation of the issue in the rules for the Patrol-Guard Service. 


mery bezopasnosti, reanimatsiya, zakony o politsii, politsiya, prava cheloveka, meditsinskaya podgotovka politsii

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1. Linevich V.L. Issledovanie urovnya meditsinskoy i psikhologicheskoy podgotovki sotrudnikov podrazdeleniy gosudarstvennoy zashchity // Deyatel'nost' organov vnutrennikh del po obespecheniyu bezopasnosti lits, podlezhashchikh gosudarstvennoy zashchite v sovremennykh usloviyakh: voprosy teorii i praktiki. 2014. ¹ 1. S. 42-46