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Chvyakin V.A. Perspectives of liberal arts education development in preparing bachelors

Abstract: The research subject is education of bachelors with regard to liberal arts education requirements. The author considers such aspects of the issue as the perspectives of liberal arts education in preparing bachelors and the structure of liberal arts in the conditions of the educational system reform. Special attention is paid to the education of bachelors in the Social and Legal Institute of Economic Security. The SLIES’s strategy in the sphere of liberal arts education presupposes the use of modern technologies for the students’ permanent self-education. Therefore, attention is paid to the use of information technologies which increase the students’ interest in social sciences and promotes their motivation to interim self-testing. To form the base of reference and testing sources, the SLIES develops electronic courseware. The research methodology comprises the conceptual provisions of the theory of liberal arts education in the system of higher education. The method of system analysis helps reveal the conflict within the structure of educational process which is conditioned by the division of scientific and normative knowledge. It is determined by the fact that scientific and humanities knowledge helps theoretically understand any scientific facts since they depend on the patterns of development of nature, the society and thinking. This circumstance explains that such knowledge helps understand the essence of social processes, explain them and make sure forecasts. On the other hand, normative knowledge can’t form the principle of explanation, and the patterns of development of socio-economic processes can’t serve as a principle of evaluation. The author claims that the modernization of educational process and scientific and research activities provides access to the information from any region of the Russian Federation, thus making it possible to improve the quality of distance learning , particularly, the control over the knowledge of extramural students, and that there is a possibility to comply with the students’ information requests with the help of the new technology which combines the advantages of the press, television and the Internet. 


Gumanitarnoe obrazovanie, Gumanitarnoge mirovozzrenie, Podgotovka pedagogicheskikh kadrov, Gumanitarnye tekhnologii, Printsipy nauchnosti, Printsipy gumannosti, Modernizatsiya obrazovaniya, Normativnye znaniya

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