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Ostroushko A.V., Bukalerov A.A. On the necessity to improve the legal framework of information security of minors

Abstract: At present, people can’t operate outside the information space. In a huge amount of information, not all the content is secure for users; it is especially topical for the information available to minors. The problem of protecting minors and youth from the negative and, to some extent, immoral impact of information is one of the urgent problems of the current Russian legislation. The article demonstrates the analysis the conceptual documents which form the national policy in the sphere of protection of children from negative information. The authors apply the methods of analysis, synthesis, modeling, prognostication, statistical and sociological methods, the principle of unity of the research subject and the research method, the principle of scientific correctness. The authors conclude that at present it is possible to develop the uniform state policy in the sphere of toughening the liability for the infringement of information security of children. The main directions of this policy should be legislated in the conceptual documents, such as the Concept of Information Security of Minors and the 2016 Doctrine of Information Security of the Russian Federation. The contradictions in the terminology of the existing documents should be eliminated. 


vredonosnyi kontenet, protivodeistvie, ugolovnoe pravo, administrativnoe pravo, informatsionnye pravonarusheniya, usilenie otvetstvennosti

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