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Taxes and Taxation

Savina O.N., Sarkisyan E.P. Value Added Tax for the Simplified Taxation System: the Right Choice of Payment

Abstract: This article takes a look at issues of taxation for the simplified taxation system. The subject of the research is the possibility of choosing the payment of value-added tax by entrepreneurs applying the simplified taxation system. Under existing legislation one of the barriers to the application of this tax regime is the accounting treatment of amounts of value added tax by taxpayers and their counteragents. The right choice of VAT payment will prevent loss of counteragents, as entrepreneurs using the simplified taxation system will be able to issue invoices to their counteragents. This is extremely important at the time of economic crises. The authors explore the role and the place of the simplified system of taxation in the budget system, advantages and disadvantages of this tax regime, changes in the terms of taxation from the point of view of their evolutionary aspect and offer improvements that allow counteragents working with enterpreneurs according to the simplified taxation system to partially apply VAT to deduction of tax and have the right to choose the method of VAT payment. The authors' recommendations to amend the VAT accounting procedure for small business representatives will promote partnerships between entrepreneurs and minimize budget losses arising in the process of the refund of value added tax. These issues are particularly relevant in the context of financial and economic instability when the questions of supporting small and medium-sized businesses become especially important.


simplified taxation system, deduction of taxes, VAT (value added tax), small-sized business, refund of value added tax, special tax regimes, invoice, tax incentives, medium-sized business, business

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