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Software systems and computational methods
Myl'nikov L.A., Fayzrakhmanov R.A. (2015). The role of simulation and computer software systems for management decision making at realization of trade innovative projects in production and economic systems. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 390–406.
Myl'nikov L.A., Fayzrakhmanov R.A. The role of simulation and computer software systems for management decision making at realization of trade innovative projects in production and economic systemsAbstract: The subject of research is the decision support process in production and economic systems caused by the implementation of trade innovative projects and related economic and mathematical models and management methods. The object of the research is production and economic industrial enterprise system focused on implementation of trade innovative projects. The special attention is paid to the issues of design and usage of information systems based on simulation modeling for decision making support and studies of trade innovative projects at different stages of development. The study is based on theory and methodology of decision-making and management of social and economic systems, the provisions of the management theory, general systems theory, control theory, system analysis and operations research, methods of economic-mathematical modeling and simulation, statistical analysis, micro-economic forecasting. A special contribution of the study is in demonstrating that the decision making support in the management of the trade innovative projects in the industrial and economic systems requires the use of simulation modeling techniques based on econometric models and methods involving information systems. Also the requirements for the information system structure for emerging management challenges are developed. Keywords: management, production system, software, production planning, innovation project, algorithm, decision support, simulation model, method, mathematical model
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