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Software systems and computational methods
Martyshenko S.N., Martyshenko N.S. (2015). Computer technology of revealing and evaluations of priorities of regional social and economic problems solving (on an example of Primorski kray). Software systems and computational methods, 4, 345–364.
Martyshenko S.N., Martyshenko N.S. Computer technology of revealing and evaluations of priorities of regional social and economic problems solving (on an example of Primorski kray)Abstract: The object of the research is a computer technology of processing qualitative information. The authors used cognitive the approach for data processing. As information base for building cognitive models of finding the solutions of regional social and economic problems the authors use the opinions gained as a result of discussion of problems in expert groups, at interrogations of the population of region, at innovative seminars. Cognitive modeling is applied in finding administrative solutions in economic, sociological, ecological and others semistructured systems. The authors give special attention to understanding of social and economic problems and phenomena. The understanding of a problem is a prerequisite of a finding of comprehensible decisions. The method of processing of the qualitative information is based on typification. To increase an overall performance of computer technology the authors included elements of intellectual system in it. The developed computer technology allows processing big amounts of not structured information received during monitoring of social and economic processes. An advantage of the technology is in simplicity of use. It can be used by a wide range of the users familiar with the EXCEL environment. The knowledge formed in the processing of open questions by one researcher can be easily shared with other researchers in the form of a file that can essentially facilitate their work. Keywords: structural analysis, data analysis, expert system, knowledge bases, questionnaire, typologization, qualitative data, cognitive model, computer technology, social and economic processes
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