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International Law and International Organizations
Idrysheva S.K., Al'zhanova A.D. (2016). Legal responsibility of the Eurasian Economic Union. International Law and International Organizations, 1, 6–12.
Idrysheva S.K., Al'zhanova A.D. Legal responsibility of the Eurasian Economic UnionAbstract: The authors thoroughly examine such aspects of the topic as the size of the international legal responsibility of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and the issues of the presence of the EAEU legal responsibility on the territory of the member-states according to their national legislation. A special attention is given to the international legal adherence of the Eurasian Economic Union, namely to the volume of the individual rights and obligations of the EAEU, the ability to carry the international-legal responsibility, endowment of the authority on behalf of the member-states, as well as adherence to national law of the member-states. The authors analyze the positions of the EAEU Treaty, Consultative agreement of the Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the International Court of Justice of 1949. The scientific novelty consists in the necessity of determination of the further competency of the Eurasian Economic Union. The authors conclude that the EAEU carries limited international legal responsibility derivate from the legal responsibility of its member-states, while carries a different legal personality than legal entities while on the territories of the EAEU. Keywords: Legal personality of international organization, law of EAEU, legal personality of EAEU, Eurasian Economic Union, legal personality, international personality, international law, limited legal personality, international organization, rights of EAEU
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