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Philosophy and Culture

Voronina T.E. I. Kant on metaphysics, things, freedom, and unfreedom

Abstract:   The subject of this research is the theory of transcendence, developed by I. Kant in his book “Metaphysics of Morals”, which presents comprehension of metaphysics and associated with it issues of freedom and unfreedom of Human of transcended ideas about the world, order, and nature of things. The initial object pointed out by the author: transcendent base of the World-system, described by I. Kant, gives a full image on God’s being as a factor of correlation and development of the transcended and transcendental relations. In the author’s opinion, this moment is most relevant for the science, because in emphasizes the fundamental role of antinomies within the presented metaphysical process. In order to cover an important for the ontology moment, the author of the article used Kant’s method of transcendentalism that expresses the essence of laws equal for everyone. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the author in fact legalizes the ontological being of God on Earth: the religion of Ancient Rome, as well as Orthodoxy serve as a background for development of this problem. The focal point of the article is that “metaphysics of morals” always exists in time and space of freedom and unfreedom, and today defines the order of things basing on the absolute identity with Israel’s Solomon era, Hellenism, and emergence of Christianity. We also can add the beginning of Vedism. The historical contribution of Kant consists in the developing of the doctrine of Human in philosophy, which allows turning our attention to the number of important problems currently existing in anthropology.  


Human, I. Kant, Metaphysics, antinomies, science, meaning, science, World-system, logic, things

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