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Pedagogy and education
Skorokhodova T.G. (2015). Children and Dialogue: Philosophy and Practice of School Education by Rabindranath Tagore. Pedagogy and education, 4, 394–404.
Skorokhodova T.G. Children and Dialogue: Philosophy and Practice of School Education by Rabindranath TagoreAbstract: In this article Skorokhodova describes pedagogical experiment of the Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore as a successful attempt of practical implementation of the main principles of educational school philosophy founded by the poet. He based on his own critics of actual school in colonial India and the idea of understanding of children. The key principles of Tagore’s educational philosophy include respect for children’s freedom, training in the dialogue of equals – teacher and pupils – and focus of education on the development of creative personality as an active member of the society. Philosophy and practice of school education are reconstructed based on the phenomenological approach and hermeneutical analysis of Rabindranath Tagore's lectures. The main aspects of Tagore' pedagogical experience are philosophical, theoretical and practical. The philosophical aspect is represented in the humanist content of the ducational model. The theoretical aspect is the creation of the basis for the dialogical model of the subject–subject training. The practical aspect is the combination of national traditions and universal contents of education for the needs of development in the society. Keywords: individual freedom, understanding of children, understanding of the Other, educational philosophy, Rabindranath Tagore, dialogical training, pedagogical experiment, universality, creativity
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