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Pedagogy and education
Mal'tseva T.E. (2015). Inclusive Professionalization in Perspective of the Humanistic Paradigm of High School. Pedagogy and education, 4, 373–381.
Mal'tseva T.E. Inclusive Professionalization in Perspective of the Humanistic Paradigm of High SchoolAbstract: Considering the problems of inclusive education in perspective of the humanistic paradigm, the author analyzes whether representatives of faculty groups from various universities are ready for practical activities in this direction, underlines the urgent relevance in the preparation of the pedagogical staff of higher education institutions for organization of this work. Based on researches of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology, the author stresses that humanization of the educational process is the transition to the person-oriented approach, which is based on the subject-subject interaction. The author uses the method of questionnaire, which allows to carry out a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the readiness of teachers for humanization of the educational process. The author also emphasizes the discrepancies arising in the mind and real activity of many teachers which is explained by their lack of pedagogical education. This reality causes contradictions between the need for developing inclusive education, on the one hand, and unwillingness of teachers to implement it, on the other, which, of course, requires to include personnel retraining courses for those who do not have pedagogical education. Without any doubts, this is the topic for further researches. Keywords: professionalism, inclusion, subject-subject interaction, person-oriented approach, self-activation, humanistic paradigm, self-actualization, humanization, empathy, motivation
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