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Taxes and Taxation

Ageeva A.D. Some Questions of the Co-Relation of the EU Law And Federal Republic of Germany Legislation in the Process of Regulating Taxation of Companies and Physical Entities

Abstract: The subject of the research is the problems of approximation of legislation of the European Union (EU) member states in the sphere of direct taxation. The object of the research is the mechanisms of harmonization in the sphere of taxation of companies and physical entities, in particular, the researcher analyzes the cases of positive and negative integration of legislation within the territory of the EU. Positive integration is aimed at creating the EU common legal basis based on the rapprochement of the member states regarding particular issues of taxation policy which results in making coordinated solutions in the form of mandatory Directives and Regulations. Negative integration appears in cases when coordinated decisions of the member states are either impossible to be applied or insufficient and involves prohibitions in the form of the EU primary and secondary legal acts as well as decisions of the European Court of Justice. The main research methods used by the author are the following: comparative law and linguistic methods, analogy method as well as general scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction, formalisation and others. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes supra-national mechanisms of direct taxation legal regulation which have been already tried and improved by the member states. According to the author, the EU experience can be used by the Eurasian Economic Union member states. The main conclusion is that harmonization of legislation requires practical implementation of both positive and negative integration tools. Implementation of supra-national EU regulations is accompanied with linguistic and conceptual legal problems which can't be solved without introducing prohibitive measures for the member states as well as explanations of the EU authorities and interference of the European Court of Justice. 


negative integration, positive integration, implementation, direct taxation, harmonization, european law, tax law, European Union, Germany, European Court of Justice

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