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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Napso M.D. Consumer Society and Theatricalization of Modern Life

Abstract: The object of the present research is the phenomenon of consumerism, while the subejct of the research is the 'facade' and the 'backstage' of the consumer society. In his research Napso examines a number of features of the post-Soviet world such as theatricality which suited ideological and worldview postulates of the excessive consumption 'culture'. The researcher analyzes peculiarities of the 'performance society', its 'facade' and 'backstage', simulacrums and the phenomenon of hyperreality as well as traces back the connection between consumption and commodification process. The author analyzes the ambivalent nature of values and preferences of post-modern society, the process of substituting the reality with illusions and symbols and the phenomenon of astroturfing. The methodological basis of the article includes ontological and gnoseological principles of dialects, which allows to view the issues under consideration from the point of view of their unity and interdependence. The scientific novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the researcher offers a thesis about the 'theatrical' nature of the consumer society. The results of the research allow to make the following conclusions: 1) the theatricalization phenomenon typical for the post-industrial world needs to be studied further; 2) emphasis should be made on studying the influence of the commodification process on the individual and collective consciousness. 


illusion, postmodernism, consumerism, performance society, theatricality, creativity, hyperreality, simulacrum, astroturfing, symbol

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