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Philology: scientific researches

Antropova N.A. On the Reforming of Modern German Under the Influence of the Feminist Critique of Language

Abstract: The subject of the study is the antisexist reform of the German language. The objective of the study is to show how feminist critique of language can affect not only the public language policy, but also the state of the national language based on the example of Germany. The incessant polemic referring to this phenomenon, both in the scientific community and the media, confirms the actuality of the subject. In Germany, many of the criticisms of feminist linguistics were perceived positively and taken into account in developing a strategy of antisexist use of the German language. The author considers: the causes which called into existence a feminist critique of language, its nature, and the signs of androcentrism in the language. The focus is on eliminating gender asymmetries in the German language and legally fixed antisexist use of the German language in various spheres of public life. The author studied the texts of scientific publications, legislation, websites and German media to identify gender-correct language.It was established that the field of application of innovations eliminating sexism in German language is gradually expanding. However, it turned out that gender-correct language attached to a great extent to women's magazines, the other media tend to use the gender-correct forms only in certain cases.


androcentrism, gender asymmetries, language sexism, language policy, language norm, unsexist use of language, feminist critique of language, legal and administrative language, masculine/feminine notations, gender-correct forms

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