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Taxes and Taxation

Chaykovskaya L.A., Yakushev A.Zh. Tax Regulation as a Tool for Strategic Management of the Development of Innovative Economic Sector

Abstract: The subject of the research is the analysis of modern methods and tools of state tax regulation applied to the innovative sector of the Russian economy as well as making suggestions on how to improve those based on the results of the analysis. The authors of the article have analyzed particular measures aimed at creating conditions for sustainable development of the innovative economic sector by the means of tax regulation within the framework of the state innovation strategy and innovation policy acting as the link between science and goals of industrial production, tax rebates, preferences and credit for innovation enterprises. The methodological basis of the research includes works of Russian scientists, legislative acts, laws and regulations of state authorities and federal laws. In the course of their research the authors have used the method of logical analysis, synthesis and planning. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors prove the need for improving the current tax regulation of the innovative economic sector and to develop recommendations on how to improve it. The authors of the article also emphasize the need to exclude redundant measures and activities aimed at improving tax regulation of the Russian innovation sector and to develop new measures in order to create conditions for increasing the investment attractivenes of innovations. At the end of the article the authors conclude that it will be impossible to move towards innovation-based development without efficient state innovation activity through developing and implementing the most successful methods and instruments including suggestions on how to improve regulation of the Russian innovative sector and increase innovation activity of Russian enterprises as well as the good image and security of innovation activity. 


tax regulation, innovations, innovative economic sector, tax rebates, tax preferences, tax credit, tax incentive, tax disincentive, strategic management, intellectual deliverables

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