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History magazine - researches
Shchapova Yu.L. (2015). On the chronology and periodization of an archaeological epoch. History magazine - researches, 5, 552–559.
Shchapova Yu.L. On the chronology and periodization of an archaeological epochAbstract: This article reviews the main model of chronology and periodization proposed for archaeological epochs, which is based on the heuristically-established Fibonacci sequence and numbers that are the concrete mathematical expression of the “golden ratio”. The use of the Fibonacci sequence required the overall clarification of the structures of archaeological epochs: archaeological sub-epochs, periods, phases, nodal moments, as well as of its logical-conceptual apparatus and terminology (with term definitions) in general. The model chronology and periodization of archaeological epochs was correlated to the chronology of the generally accepted “system of three centuries” and verified with the chronology and periodization of the corresponding time interval of the informational-cybernetic model. The first two models reliably (the coupling coefficient f=0.57) describe the evolution and history of one and the same organism – of an archaeological epoch. The model chronology and periodization gains authority because it corresponds with the general laws of development, better completeness, precision, simplicity, perspective, and combination possibilities. The most significant results derived from applying the model of chronology and periodization of an archaeological epoch for its study are: evolutionary processing within an archaeological epoch – a coherent phenomenon that contains in itself archaeological sub-epochs; the visible part of an archaeological sub-epoch is the evolutionary triad – genesis (becoming) – flowering – dying (involution) – with hidden phases preceding and succeeding it. Digitalised chronology and periodization allow to process new non-verbal, but numerical information, studying and comparing not only the absolute and relative continuances, but also the multiplicity of “centuries”, archaeological epochs and periods, etc. Digitalised chronology and periodization has aided to see the harmony within the structures of archaeological epochs, their functions and dynamics, strictly (as following studies have shown) corresponding to the general harmony of universe. Keywords: “golden ratio”, periodization, chronology, Fibonacci numbers, Fibonacci sequence, archaeological sub-epoch, archaeological epoch, archaeological culture, material culture, multidisciplinarity
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