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Administrative and municipal law

Kotlyarov Yu.V. The development trends and topical problems of the normative-legal base of technical regulation in the Russian Federation

Abstract: The author considers the development of the normative-legal base of technical regulation in the context of economic development of the Russian Federation and the current problems of legislation in this sphere. Special attention is paid to the formation and improvement of the normative-legal base in the sphere of technical regulation within the integration processes in the Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Community, the normative-legal base harmonization with the principles of the WTO, aimed at Russia’s economy development and economic relations expansion. The methodology of the research is based on the dialectical and the systems methods. The author also applies such general scientific methods as analysis, synthesis, generalization, and prognostication. The author concludes that an extensive legal base has been formed recently, which promotes the formation of integrated legislation in the sphere of technical regulation; the defining factor of legislation improvement is integration within the Eurasian Economic Community. At the same time, the set of normative legal acts still contains gaps and uncertainties, allowing violations of entrepreneurs’ rights; there’s still a lack of a clear hierarchical structure of regulations with the necessary correlations, covering all industrial sectors they can be used in.


legislation updating, systematization of legislation, harmonization of legislation, development trends, normative-legal base, topical problems, state supervision, technical regulation, problem issues, integration processes

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