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Aylamaz'yan A.M. The Movement to Music (Psychological Phenomenological Study)

Abstract: The article is devoted to the practice of dance improvisation based on the feeling of music expressed in an active motion. The researcher discusses how an action appears in response to music. He also raises questions regarding the difference between 'dancing to music' and 'dancing feeling music', the phenomenon of the latter, what triggers the phenomenon, the definition of a musical action and what features an action acquires when performed by a person experiencing music. The main subject under research is a special kind of personal attitude that involves the entire personality and makes personality to be responsive to music. In the course of his research the author of the article carries out a theoretical analysis and describes his own experience. Thus, the research presents some kind of philosophy of dancing improvisation, in particular, practice of a musical movement. The research provides the phenomenological description of living phenomena and depicts music as a special 'existential world' expressed in movements as well as the psychological description of particular factors that make a person be ready to perceive music. Culture-historical and activity approaches create the theoretical basis for the present research. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author studies psychological conditions that contribute to the creation of a dancing or, more generally, expressive movement. The relationship between movement and music discovered by the author allows to take another look at the processes of form creation in art as well as the situation of teaching dancing and moving. The main conclusion of the research refers to feeling music as a continuous flow of time and existence. Expression of everyday emotions that can be found in music is esentially transformed according to the laws of musical form, musical existence and, therefore, musical time. Being ready to perceive music means being ready to perceive the form of existence that can be found in music. 


music, movement, personality, existential aspect of music, attitude, freestyle dance, time, center of motion, fluidity, form and meaning

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