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Culture and Art
Khoruzhiy S.S. (2016). Culture and Hesychasm. Culture and Art, 1, 25–40.
Khoruzhiy S.S. Culture and HesychasmAbstract: The problem of the relationship between spiritual practices/traditions and cultural practices/traditions is investigated in the concrete case of Eastern-Orthodox hesychasm on the basis of the approach of synergic anthropology developed by the author. The framework of synergic anthropology makes it possible to present a self-consistent conceptualization of the problem based on some new concepts such as associated and supporting anthropological practices, immanent culture of spiritual practice, etc. The evolution of the relationship between hesychasm and culture in Byzantine history is reconstructed, with special attention to the phenomenon of Hesychastic renewal of the 14th century which is interpreted as a unique period when hesychasm played the leading role both at the anthropological and social reality levels. The research methodology includes the problem definition, comparative analysis, conceptualization, analysis of the development of the relationship between Hesychasm and culture. The historical analysis has allowed to make a conclusion concerning premises and prospects of the convergence, dialogue and synergy of spiritual traditions and cultural traditions in modern society. Moreover, the results of the research have allowed to see the evolution of culture in a new light as well as to describe Hesychasm from the culturological point of view. Keywords: Byzantium, Anthropology, Hesychasm, spiritual practice, Orthodoxy, tradition, culture, secularization, Palamas, neopalamism
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