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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Nuzhdin A.A. The capacities of an automated workplace in investigation of crimes

Abstract: The article studies the peculiarities of examination, search and seizure of special software of a mobile automated workplace which should include: -          Means of access to the database of stolen things and values and to the database of persons; -          A reference system (an expert system) of the tactical mechanisms of examination, search and seizure; -          A program of procedural registration of the results; -          An educational system and a system of employees’ knowledge, skills and abilities control. The author applies general scientific and special methods of cognition: the dialectical, formal-logical, and structural-functional methods and modeling. The use of a mobile automated workplace is possible not only in relation to investigative actions. The sphere of its application is determined by the software, the volume and the content of databases. Thus, in order to increase the universality of an automated workplace, it is necessary to provide the access to external databases (fingerprint files, criminal cases files, normative information, etc.), and to consulting and expert systems of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the software. It will allow using personal computers for investigative actions on any stage of investigation. The use of such systems will increase the efficiency of investigation of crimes and make the work of an investigator easier. 


coding  , investigative action, offence, investigation  , automated workplace, capacity, algorithms, passport, area  , disk

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