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Conflict Studies / nota bene

Ovsyannikova O.A. Public consciousness reformatting technologies employing and religious discrimination (on the example of Ukraine)

Abstract: The article examines the technologies used to reformat public consciousness by the means of linguistic and religious discrimination in Ukraine. In modern Ukraine, Russian language is being pushed out from communication, education, science, culture and governance, as well as religious life of Ukrainian people. This is the example of modern technologies, successfully employed in Ukraine and used by political groups currently in power in Ukraine to to achieve their political goals. The methodological basis of this article includes systemic, structural-functional, comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. The author assumes that native language is an indicator of the spiritual life of an individual as well as the people as a whole, being the most important ideological value. The author stresses that language is an important medium for the perception of surrounding reality, a reflection of self-consciousness and, as a result, the forming of opinions regarding political processes and phenomena, political course of the state as it is realized in domestic and foreign policy.


state, geopolitics, Russia, world politics, U.S. foreign policy, coup d’état, , diplomacy, interests, security, color revolutions

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