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Philosophy and Culture

Turkin S.V. Truth and the Sacral

Abstract: The article is devoted to the relationship between the concept of truth and the concept of the sacral including the relationship between these concepts through history. In his research Turkin touches upon the origin of the concept of truth in Parmenides' philosophy and further development of this concept in Plato's works. In this regard, the researcher analyzes etymology of the Greek word ἀλήθεια (truth) and how definitions of truth are related to properties of the sacral. Special attention is paid to similar properties of the sacral and truth, mutual influence of these two concepts in relation to the modern processes of the world's 'unspelling' and development of quasi-religions and para-religions. In his research Turkin has used the phenomenological approach. In addition, he has aplied traditional philosophical and linguistic methods including abstraction, comparison, generalization, analogy, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, modelling, language analysis, comparative and historical methods. It is shown that there has been a close relationship between the concept of truth and the concept of the sacral since the moment when the concept of truth was first created. The author of the article defines the most essential properties that these two concepts have in common. He concludes that each truth is either sacral or quasi-sacral. He also establishes that changes in the definition of one concept have had a direct influence on the definition of the other concept. In this regard, the researcher also analyzes the relationship between narcissism as the utmost subjectivization of the sacral and solipsism as the utmost subjectivization of truth. 


Durkheim, Plato, Parmenides, narcissism, quasi-religion, ambivalency, secular, sacral, false, truth

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