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International Law and International Organizations

Fedotova Yu.G. Model legislation of the CIS-countries in the sphere of involvement of civil institutions in the national security of state

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the legal regulation of the institution of civil participation in provision of national security within the model legislation of the CIS countries. The author explains the vectors of development of the legislation in this sphere and states the problems that are currently in the stage of its formation of the model legislation, which regulates civil participation in patriotic upbringing, provision of border security, and counteraction of terrorism and extremism. Based on the study of the modern geopolitical situation, the author demonstrates the necessity to expand the forms of civil participation in ensuring national security. Analysis is conducted on the model laws of the CIS countries that regulate the civil participation in provision of national security, as well as on the nature of modern military threats. The author gives characteristics to the institution of civil participation in provision of national security and the legal status of citizens as the constituents of legal relations on provision of national security. Recommendations are made regarding the 2016-2020 Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States plans to develop model laws on participation of civil institutions in provision of national security and the legal regulation of the activity of private military contractors.


private military contractor, extremist activities, legal status, civil society, participation, threat, national security, model law, limitation, guarantee

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