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International Law and International Organizations

Zverev P.G. The act of state doctrine and protection of human rights

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the issue of protection of human rights and the ability to implement the act of state doctrine in the cases of gross and systematic violations of human rights. The analysis of the act of state doctrine is conducted within historical retrospect, as well as within modern international and national legal precedent of foreign countries. The author determines the criterion for attribution of internationally wrongful actions of individuals and groups thereof towards one or another state. A special attention is given to the Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts of the international law commission (2001). The article analyzes the opinions of the leading international jurists and the legal positions of the judges of the International Court of Justice. The goal of this research is to determine the parameters of the applicability of the doctrine of the state act within the framework of the international legal system of human rights protection.This research is based on a combination of specific historical, comparative-legal, formal-legal and political-legal methods.The main conclusions of the research are the following: 1) the inadmissibility of the use of the act of state doctrine to justify gross and systematic violations of human rights, including in times of armed conflicts; 2) the complementary role of national courts in applying international standards on the protection of human rights; 3) international lawmaking is an effective mechanism of the system of protection of human rights at both, the universal and regional levels. The scientific novelty of this research is that the issue of the act of state doctrine in the context of the international protection of human rights is comprehensively addressed for the first time in the Russian doctrine of international law.


attribution, human rights, doctrine of state act, International Court of Justice, ICTY, European Convention, International Law Commission, human rights violations, imputability, UN

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