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International Law and International Organizations

Ryzhov V.B., Shinkaretskaya G.G. World order: from World War II to present time

Abstract: The world order created by the nations of the winning side of the World War II exists until the present day. Its key trait is that the important decisions are made by several states, which hold a special place in the world thanks to their military power and their fixed position within the UN Charter as the permanent members of the UN Security Council. But the modern world has drastically changed, became multipolar, and thus it is necessary to change the methods of managing global situations, including rethinking the place and role of the primary branches of the United Nations. The novelty of this research consists in the fact that the authors note that the political world structure is moving towards the so-called multipolarity. Within the modern political conditions it is necessary to establish a direct connection between the results of the Second World War and the current world order. Demonstration of the necessity to make changes to the world order is substantiated by the changes in the set of values shared by the international community.


victorious powers, Second World War, permanent members of the Security Council, UN Security Council, UN Charter, United Nations, international law, world order, multipolar world, international relations

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