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National Security

Kashulin D.A. Energy safety as the research task for political science

Abstract: This article analyzes the conceptual approaches, key trends, and prospective directions of research in the area of energy security within the framework of political discourse. It examines the global aspect of energy security, and analyzes the specificity of modern international energy relations and causes of competitiveness for access to energy resources, as well as the risks on the path of ensuring national and international energy security. A special attention is given to the subjects of energy relations. The author assesses the level of their influence upon the state of the energy market, the role in strengthening global energy security, as well as forms and means of their cooperation. The author reviews the form of state-private partnership as the most efficient way to ensure energy security. The conceptual approaches towards energy security reflect the entirety of the problems emerging before the countries on their path towards energy stability. As a result, on the background of the expanding spectrum of global risks it is extremely important to have a dialogue between the countries in the area of energy partnership, and it is important to conduct a politological analysis of the problems of energy security, which would contribute to understanding of the processes, trends, and forecasts of development of the energy markets.


National security, Energy security, Russia, Politics, Political science, Political regime, State, Interests, Values, International relations

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