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National Security

Goncharenko L.P., Yakushev A.Zh., Ambartsumyan V.N., Sybachin S.A., Fat'yanova I.R. Analysis of the trends of development in the area of research and development as a factor of economic safety of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The subject of this research is the dangers and threats to the economic security of the Russian Federation in the area of innovation security. The object of the research is the quantitative trends of development in the sphere of R&D, more specifically: staffing of R&D, the current situation in the area of financing of R&D and activity of subjects of various forms of property. Innovation security represents the key factor that ensures the economic and national security of the country. The relevance of this works is justified by the importance of growth of the R&D sector of Russian economy, as well as the ability to ensure national security and expanded reproduction of national economy. The goal of this article is to research the quantitative trends in the dynamic of the system of objects of innovation security such as science and personnel, techniques and technologies, products and services, realization and commercial use. The results of this analysis allowed the authors to conclude on the existence of the processes that limit the work on research and development. In the conditions of the increase in scientific and technical aspects of international competitiveness, these trends pose a threat to the national security of the Russian Federation and increase the vulnerability of Russian economy to the domestic and foreign threats.


Research and development, Financing structure, Expenses, Personnel, Investment volume, Trends, Development forecast, Threats, Crisis, Innovation

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