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National Security

Komov R.G. The problems with promotion of outsourcing in the armed forces of the Russian Federation and possible solutions

Abstract: This article presents the research on the issue of use of third-party commercial organizations by Russia’s armed forces, to which it outsources the non-essential types of activity of the Russian military. At the same time, the author notes the positive aspects, as well as problems that brought negative influence on the battle readiness of the military bases and divisions. The empirical base for the research became the data from the open sources on the practical realization of outsourcing services in the armed forces of the Russian Federation, and results of the audits of the outsourcing agencies by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. The novelty of the work consists in determination of the essential aspects of such phenomenon as outsourcing, as well as a complex presentation of the key problems that negatively affected the performance of Russia’s armed forces as the result of its use. Based on the results of the conducted research, the author determined a group of problems: lack of proper financial control over the activity of the outsourced organizations; creation of prerequisites for decreased battle readiness of the military bases; instances of corruption. As possible measures for reanimation of the military outsourcing, the author proposes ways of improving the legislation in this area, as well as the mechanism of organizational control.


Outsourcing, Russian armed forces, Foreign experience, Military outsourcing, Outsourcing practice, Improving the outsourcing system, Corruption, Anticorruption measures, Battle readiness, Economic security

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