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National Security
Shumov V.V. (2015). Model of national security and its supplements. National Security, 6, 788–801.
Shumov V.V. Model of national security and its supplementsAbstract: The subject of this research is the analysis and determination of the key, maximally aggregated and measurable factors that define the level of security of a state (or a coalition of states). The factors affecting the state of national security (population, territory, technologies, and complementarity of the ethnoses) are being studied for the purpose of building a mathematical model of national security. In the interests of verification of the model, the author uses statistical and analytical data that characterizes the security of the nations of the European and Eurasian unions: size of the population, size of the territories, index of innovations, etc. In order to describe the system of international relations, the work employs the typology og the international systems by Morton Kaplan. In structuring the model, the author utilizes production function, power function, and distribution of Pareto. Using this model, the assessment of the security of the European and Eurasian unions is being carried out. The results of the assessment demonstrate that inclusion of Ukraine into the European Union will lower the EU’s level of security. The technologies are the hampering factor of the expansion of the European Union. Keywords: Security, National security, Historical approach, Systemic approach, Mathematical model, Safety criterion, EU safety, EAEU security, Values, Sovereignty
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