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Philosophy and Culture

Guzha E.A. The Meaning of Fashion: Verbal and Visual Aesthetical Communication

Abstract: The article is devoted to the phenomenon of fashion in contemporary culture. In this research Guzha gives a philosophical and aesthetical definition of fashion, examines the meaning and importance of such terms as 'aesthetic experience' and 'aesthetic knowledge' and analyzes the verbal and visual levels of aesthetic communication in fashion. The author also studies the manners in which aesthetic perception of fashion is achieved and excessive aesthetic meanings are conceptualized in individual aesthetic  experience. The author describes the main concepts on the matter and defines semantic codes transmitting aesthetic communication at nonverbal and verbal levels. The methodological basis of the research involves the philosophical-aesthetic modus of the communication theory, philosophical and aesthetic analysis of the fashion phenomenon from the point of view of verbal and visual aesthetic communication. The scientific novedlty of the research is caused by the fact that the author applies the aforesaid methodology, which is exclusively innovatory for such kind of research, provides a detailed description of the communication levels determined and views implicit and explicit levels of aesthetic messages in modern fashion industry. The following expressive kinds and means are described at the visual level: colour, silhouette, composition, rhythm, ornament, style making process, eclectic and stylization. The analysis of the verbal level of aesthetic communication focuses on the rhetoric of fashion magazines and advertising companies. 


fashion, semantic code, aesthetic communication, aesthetic experience, aesthetic knowledge, visualization, verbalization, expressivity, style, play

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