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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Spektor D.M. Existence and Pathology

Abstract: In his article Spektor builds the relationship between the terms "norm" and "pathology". According to the author of the article, if "normal" existence is disconnected by time (existential), which is symptompatically defined as the "ecstasy of the future", abnormal existence is, in fact, falling into the source, pathos of the past (atavism) and initial state of obsession (when obsession is the point at which the "norm" and "deviation" triggered by "creative intuition"  cross; but through outlining the "horror" and life-towards-death, pathology of existential norm is revealed). It is shown either in the form of obsession (paranoia) reduction or in the form of initial (schizophrenic) disintegrations, pathology still should be viewed as the shear of the initial, its 'raw' nature, which is revealed not only as the loss of external (cultural) mechanisms but also destruction and reduction to non-established fragmentation (true out-of-structure Id). The method of research is based on the the analysis and historical reconstruction of the state of obsession as a primary historical 'norm' which eventually acquired the nature of "pathology". Scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author proves that psychiatric pathology reproduces the initial "transition" that was initially exposed to Id subjected to traumatic shock which, in its turn, caused frenzy and depersonalization, paranoid reactions and psychotic states serving as a frame of "obsession". Orientation at denying involuntary actions doesn't allow to reproduce traditional ways of socialization and therapy; at the same time, such symptoms of schizophrenia as regression and general degradation are, in fact, the reduction of psyche to Id as the initial self-denying complex but not the molecular essence of Id. 


schizophrenia, paranoia, initiation, super Ego, Id, degradation, obsession, pathology, norm, symptom

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