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Police activity

Lapin A.A. On the problems of victimological prevention of crimes and the measures of its improvement

Abstract: The recent events demonstrate that criminality is still on the level, threatening the safety of the population. On the base of the analysis, the author concludes that criminality is still dangerous for the safety of the population. The author notes that within the crime prevention system, the work with the victims of crimes (victimological prevention) plays an important role. It is noted that anti-criminogenic potential of victimological prevention is used insufficiently due to several reasons. The research is based on the set of general scientific and special methods of cognition. The methodological basis of the study comprises the dialectical method with its requirements of objectivity, comprehensiveness, historicism and clarity of truth. Among general scientific methods of research the author applies the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, measurement. The comparative-legal method is used as a special research method. The analysis of the work of law machinery and the theoretical scientific works demonstrates that the issue of the use of the potential of victimological prevention is still the problem of today. Its solution is an urgent necessity, since the absence of victimological prevention of its insufficient use reduces the efficiency of prevention of crimes in general. 


public safety, international experience, criminal law, victim, victims of crimes, victimological prevention, law machinery, crime, legal regulation, methodology of systematization

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