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International relations
Lasariya A.O. (2015). Formation of the Abkhazian statehood in the context of the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict . International relations, 4, 408–411.
Lasariya A.O. Formation of the Abkhazian statehood in the context of the Georgian-Abkhazian conflictAbstract: The author focuses on the process of the Abkhazian statehood formation and the possibility of full international legal personality obtaining. The frequently used slogans, such as: “struggle for freedom” and “struggle for independence”, have been and still are of a great importance in the attempts to form their own statehood by various ethnic groups in many parts of the modern world. In some cases it is the restoration of the previously existed sovereignty; in other cases it is a qualitative transformation of an ethno-territorial unit due to the emerging socio-political and cultural causes. The paper studies the dynamics of political processes in the Republic of Abkhazia with their elements including historical, political and ethnic factors. Such a dynamics is considered in the context of the Georgian-Abkhazian ethno-political conflict and the impact of the abovementioned factors on the formation of the Abkhazian statehood in the current conditions. The subject of the research is the Abkhazia’s sovereignty. The methodological base includes the systems approach, the comparative-political approach, content-analysis, the historical method, etc. The article analyzes the practical aspects of the problems of Abkhazian sovereignization; among the main problems is the collision of the principles of international law in the context of the existing level of confrontation with Georgia. The novelty of the research lies in the study of a not sufficiently developed analysis and assessment of the possibility of realization of the right of self-determination by Abkhazia; this possibility consists in the qualitative transformation of the process of the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict management and the transformation of the geopolitical structure of the Transcaucasian region. Keywords: right of self-determination, principle of territorial integrity, legal personality, sovereignty, Georgian-Abkhazian conflict, recognition, Abkhazian statehood, Georgia, Abkhazia, international law
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