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Philology: scientific researches
Egorova I.V. (2015). Heroics and Fear as the Modes of Human Existence: Ernst Jünger's Early Writings. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 253–263.
Egorova I.V. Heroics and Fear as the Modes of Human Existence: Ernst Jünger's Early WritingsAbstract: Ernst Junger (1895-1978) is very little known in our country even though he was a famous philosopher and writer. His ideas, thoughts, direct and indirect prophesies were of great interest to the society of the pre-war and today's Germany. Ernst Junger started his creative path in the early 20th of the XXth century. It was the time of expirements in the social sphere and spheres of art, literature and philosophy. It was also the period of intensive scientific, technological and industrial development and violent attempts to conquer nature. At the same time, while already trying on the gown of the world master, human has suddently discovered that he was on the margins of the path being made by global forces and that the world development does not always depend on human. In her research Egorova has used approaches of philosophical anthropology that analyzes modes of human existence. This has allowed the author to compare heroics to existential experience of human fear. Ernst Junger was a very productive and significant philosopher. His creative work is understudied because he was considered to be a reactionary philosopher after the war. In 1920 his book 'The Storm of Steel' was published. Being published in 1922, his second book 'Der Kampf als inneres Erlebnis' ('The Struggle as an Inner Experience') described the war in a broader sense. Ernst Junger also wrote another book 'Sturm' ('The Storm') shortly after. In 1925 Ernst Junger resigned his office, in 1926 he quit University and in 1927 he moved to Berlin where he joined the conservative revolutionary movement. He wrote the article for the national socialist newspaper 'Völkischer Beobachter' ('People's Observer') called 'Revolution und Idee' ('Revolution and Idea'), in which he discussed revolutionary nationalism and emphasized the need for dictatorship. He also published his articles in 'Standards', 'Arminius' and 'Attack'. He had contacts with Friedrich Hielscherand Ernst Niekisch. Apart from writing numerous political essays, Junger also spoke of politics in his books about the war. The third edition of 'The Storm of Steel' was written according to the principes of radical nationalism within the framework of the totalitarian structure. His essay 'Der Arbeiter' ('Worker') published in 1932 was the turning point of his totalitarian views, however, by that time Junger had already started to be rather disappointed in politics. Keywords: philology, philosophical anthropology, nature, worker, life, politics, totalitarianism, heroics, fear, emotional experience
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1. Junger E. Des abenteuerlicke Herz. Frankfurt a. M. : Ullslein, 1972.
2. Junger E. Ausgewehlte Erzahlungen. Stuttgart: Klett, 1985. 3. Junger E. In Stahlgewiffern. B.: Mittler, 1940. 4. Liebchen G. Ernst Junger t Seine lit. Arbeiten in den zwanzigerJahren: EineUnters. zuges. Funktion von Lit. Bonn: BouvierYerl. (Grundmenn), 1977. 5. Wandlung und Wiederkehrs Ernst Jungerzum 70.Geburtstag / Hrsg. von Arnold H.L. Aachen Verl. Kritik (Georgi), 1965. 246 S |