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Philology: scientific researches

Nilogov A.S. Ontological Status of Word/Antiword

Abstract: In his article Nilogov touches upon the problem of the ontological status of word/antiword which he understands as the manner and capacity in which the word exists naturally in human language. The topic is viewed from the point of view of methodological substantiation of philosophy of antilanguage as a new discipline created at the confluence of linguistics and philosophy. The subject of philosophy of antilanguage is the grounds and boundaries of a semiotic naming in human language as well as the dependence of the cognitive process on antilanguage. Antilanguage vocabulary consists of classes of antiwords. In his research Nilogov has used the antilanguage method which implies determination of partially or fully unspeakable units. These units are referred to particular classes of antiwords. As the examples of problematisation of the ontological status of word the author has used invariant language units that are used in language studies to denote unchanging 'linguistic atoms' versus changing variable units. As a result of the research, Nilogov has considered invariable speech and language units as so called antiwords. These antiwords are absent in natural language but obviously exist in antilanguage. Particularly, the author has defined the following classes of antiwords: invariantologisms (that are used to give name to abstract language units such as phonemes) and variantologisms (that are used to give name to abstract speech units such as phoneme allophones). 


ontological status of word/antiword, ontological status, invariance, phoneme, Solntsev, Chikobava, philosophy of antilanguage, philosophy of language, invariantologism, variantologism

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