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Philology: scientific researches

Rezvani V. Representation of Woman’s Beauty in the Mirror of Russian and Persian Paroemiae

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the representation of woman’s beauty in Russian and Persian paroemiae (proverbs) being the expression of ethnic culture and the main unit of linguistic consciousness. The attitudinal meaning of the declared concept is closely connected with the society behavior value navigators. The object of the research is a paroemia as an element of the Russian and Persian languge systems. Paremiae reflect the cultural and historical experience qualified by the following generations as the proverbial wisdom. According to the title of the article, the research focuses on paroemiae and the concept of beauty. Lexical indictors of such markedness are the following subconcepts denoted with the words 'beauty', 'beautiful', 'handsome' (Russian 'krasota', 'krasivaya', 'prigozhaya' and Persian ziba, khoshgel ,ghashang). The research method: To achieve the research objective, the author has applied the comparative method and the method of solid selection as well as analysis of dictionaries. The importance of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes the image of beauty in the paroemiae that were created in the languages with different structures. In the light of modern requirements of teaching the Russian language, the comparative study of Russian and Persian paremiology and at the same time culture of these peoples appears necessary and effective especially from the perspective of teaching the Russian language in the case of teaching Russian outside the language or cultural environment. 


Russian, gender markedness, woman, beauty, culture, teaching, paroemiae/proverbs, Persian, comparison, languge

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