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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Chugunova I.O. (2015). Hateful Human: Psychoanalytical Deconstruction of the Phenomenon of Hatred. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 10, 1072–1087.
Chugunova I.O. Hateful Human: Psychoanalytical Deconstruction of the Phenomenon of HatredAbstract: External phenomenology of hatred, especially the most obvious displays such as aggression, social conflicts and violence, says very little about the essence of the phenomenon. The nature of this phenomenon is difficult to be understood by the means of conscious reflection and logic. Appealing to the teachings about unconsciousness opens the way to understanding mysteries and paradoxes of hatred as a specific human phenomenon and uncovers the fact that hatred is intimately connected with other feelings and passions, first of all, it is dialectically connected with love. Reviewing psychoanalytical theories of hatred, the author develops the concept of hatred as a complex anthropological phenomenon with biological, social and existential roots. In her research Chugunova combines the two research methodologies, the first one is based on the paradigm of theoretical psychoanalysis and the second one is based on the tradition of philosophical anthropological analysis. Hatred is viewed as a natural element of human psyche. It performs a defensive and initiating function at early stages of the development of human psyche and protective function at the stage of maturity. However, social and cultural effects of the society expand hatred and make it destructive, thus distorting human nature and catalyzing social disasters. On the one hand, the image of 'hateful human' is viewed as an inseparable yet ancillary feature of personality, on the other hand, it is a special anthropological phenomenon creating the basis for hatred. Keywords: unconsciousness, psychoanalysis, mortido, libido, love, animosity, passion, hatred, destructiveness, freedom
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